



Recently, ransomware operators have targeted a new goal – using virtualization program vulnerabilities for mass encryption. According to the latest information released by Microsoft, these hackers exploit vulnerabilities in the ESXi virtualization program to launch ransom attacks on network systems, leaving countless enterprises in a desperate situation.

ESXi virtualization program has been widely used in enterprise network systems, and its security has been highly trusted. However, hackers constantly explore vulnerabilities and exploit them, making the seemingly secure systems vulnerable. By exploiting vulnerabilities in the ESXi virtualization program, hackers can easily access the system, encrypt data, and demand huge ransom.

This new ransomware attack method poses a serious challenge to enterprises, causing not only data leakage and loss, but also disruptions in business operations, and even shutdowns. To prevent such threats, enterprises need to remain vigilant, update system patches in a timely manner, and strengthen network security measures.

In this digital age, cybersecurity issues are becoming increasingly severe. Ransomware operators are constantly changing their attack methods, and enterprises need to constantly enhance their awareness of network security to protect their data and assets. It is hoped that through everyone’s efforts, the spread of ransomware can be effectively curbed and enterprise network security can be protected.

