
Three Arrows Had a Fun Bubble

Three arrows met in the air,

Each had its own flair;

One was red, one was blue,

The third one was green, too.

They flew up to the sky,

To the clouds and so high;

And they saw a bubble,

That was a fun puzzle.

They played all day long,

Dancing to a quirky song;

The bubble was so big,

It was like a magic fig.

They bounced and jumped around,

Making a joyful sound;

The sun was shining bright,

It was a colorful sight.

The three arrows had fun,

They forgot all about the sun;

And when the day was done,

They flew back, one by one.

The bubble stayed in the sky,

A reminder of the fun that went by;

Until another day, when it will fly,

With three more arrows on high.

