How to Achieve Revolution Without Overthrowing the Government

“我不想推翻政府,但我想要更革命性的事情。” What does this mean? To put it simply, it means that we want revolution without destruction. It means that we want to change the way things are without turning the whole system upside down. But how can this be achieved? Well, I turned to political philosopher Patrick Deneen, who seems to have the answer.

In a recent article for Politico, Deneen explains that the key to revolution lies in decentralization. He argues that the traditional left-right divide is no longer relevant, and that today’s political landscape is really divided between those who favor centralization (i.e. big government) and those who favor decentralization (i.e. local control).

Deneen argues that centralization is not only unsustainable, but it’s also dangerous. He writes that “the concentration of power leads to the concentration of corruption.” And we’ve certainly seen plenty of corruption in our government over the years.

But decentralization isn’t just about avoiding corruption. It’s also about empowering individuals and communities. When decisions are made on a local level, people feel more invested in the outcome. They have more control over their lives. And that’s what true democracy is all about.

So, what does this look like in practice? Well, it could mean things like stronger local governments, more community-based organizations, and more emphasis on individual responsibility. It could mean breaking up big corporations and giving more power to small businesses. It could mean rethinking our education system, which currently favors centralization and standardization over individualized learning.

Of course, making such changes won’t be easy. It will require a fundamental shift in the way we think about government and society. But, as Deneen argues, it’s necessary if we want to create a better future for ourselves and our children.

So, let’s stop clinging to the old left-right divide. Let’s embrace the idea of decentralization and local control. Let’s work towards a more just and equitable society, without tearing down the system entirely. Because that’s the kind of revolution we need.

