Dear readers,

Have you ever heard the phrase “你关注什么,你就成为什么” (You are what you attend to)? This simple statement holds a powerful message that can transform your life. The things we focus on, the things we pay attention to, become a part of who we are.

In today’s busy world, we are constantly bombarded with distractions competing for our attention. Social media, TV shows, and endless notifications on our smartphones can easily consume our valuable time and energy. If we are not mindful of what we give our attention to, we may unknowingly become what we do not want to be.

To become the best version of ourselves, we must be conscious of what we focus on. If we want to be successful in our career, we must focus on developing the skills and knowledge needed to excel in our field. If we want to cultivate meaningful relationships, we must spend quality time and attention on our loved ones.

Furthermore, the things we attend to affect not only ourselves but also those around us. If we focus on negative thoughts and actions, we will radiate negativity and may push away the people we care about. On the other hand, if we focus on positivity, gratitude, and kindness, we will attract positive experiences and people to our lives.

As we enter 2018, let us be mindful of what we give our attention to. Let us choose to invest our time and energy in things that align with our values and aspirations. Let us become the kind of person we want to be, by consciously attending to what we want more of in our lives.

Remember, “你关注什么,你就成为什么”. You are what you attend to. So, choose wisely, and create the life you truly desire.

Cheers to a prosperous and fulfilling year ahead!

Best regards,

[Your name]

