






English Translation:

Why a Facial Scan Search Engine is Dangerous

Since the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technology, our world has become smarter and more convenient. However, amidst the optimistic outlook for facial recognition technology in the tech industry, have we ever considered the hidden risks and threats behind it all?

In this digital era, a new technological concept called “facial search engine” is rapidly emerging. It can scan your photos, match them with massive amounts of data from the internet, and present relevant information in the blink of an eye. However, the dangers associated with it are truly alarming.

One of the major risks of facial recognition search engines is the threat to privacy. As we increasingly share our personal photos on social media, these facial search engines can easily access our facial data. Our faces may become targets for unauthorized misuse. Can you imagine your facial photos being used for fraudulent activities or other criminal actions without your knowledge?

Furthermore, we cannot overlook the issue of racial bias that facial search engines may bring about. Due to algorithm limitations and imperfections, these engines may prioritize the recognition of certain skin colors or races, leading to unjust results. This could exacerbate social inequality and racial disparities, which is certainly something none of us desire.

As users, we also need to be concerned about the monitoring problems that facial search engines may pose. If these search engines are widely employed in public spaces, our daily activities will be under constant surveillance. Such normalization of surveillance and the potential for abuse undoubtedly infringe upon our rights and freedoms.

However, in face of these dangers and threats, we are not entirely helpless. Governments and tech companies should jointly take responsibility for safeguarding user privacy and enact appropriate laws and regulations to regulate facial search engines. At the same time, users need to remain vigilant and cautiously share personal information to reduce the risk of information misuse.

While pursuing technological progress and convenience, we must not overlook the potential risks brought by technology. The emergence of facial search engines offers us newfound convenience but also gives rise to worrisome problems. Protecting privacy and individual rights is a responsibility that falls upon each and every one of us.

