永不消逝的 “PFAS”,是一种常用于制造消防泡沫、不粘锅涂层以及防水衣物等材料的化学物质。然而,最近的研究表明,这些“永久化学物质”对黑人和拉丁裔的影响比其他族群更为严重,因为这些族群极不幸地生活在更多PFAS存在的地区。

来自墨西哥和波多黎各血统的儿童研究组织——芝加哥精神卫生医学中心(Center for Psychiatric Epidemiology and Genomics)的一项研究发现,这些化学物质会累积在身体内,导致血浆保有时间(血液中某种物质消失的时间)更长。




The Dangerous Legacy of “PFAS” Chemicals Disproportionately Affects Black and Hispanic Communities

“PFAS” chemicals, otherwise known as “forever” chemicals due to their resistance to breaking down, are commonly found in products ranging from fire-fighting foams, non-stick cookware coatings, and waterproof clothing. However, recent studies show that these chemicals are having a disproportionately harmful effect on Black and Hispanic communities who unfortunately happen to live in areas where these chemicals are more prevalent.

Research conducted by the Center for Psychiatric Epidemiology and Genomics at the University of Chicago with children of Mexican and Puerto Rican descent found that these chemicals tend to accumulate in the body, leading to a longer plasma half-life (the time it takes for a substance to leave the bloodstream).

The impacts of PFAS chemicals are not limited to these two communities. In the US, most drinking water contamination has traces of these chemicals. To date, around five thousand PFAS contamination sites have been identified across the country.

Despite some chemical companies acknowledging the problem, few have taken action to remedy it. Government and civil society efforts to combat this issue have been slow. Fortunately, individuals can protect themselves by using products that reduce the risks posed by PFAS and reducing the length of time these chemicals stay in the body.

